Wednesday, October 23, 2013

October 20, 2013

What a incredibly fun day at the Dog Park.  So many dogs, so much fun!  Don't forget to scroll down to see the two Greats at play (Dane and Pyrenees) ~ so much fun!

 ...and so many small dogs also ...and so much more fun!

 Thea (see below) visited my home years ago while residing at the Bangor Humane Society!  Always happy to see furry friends that have found a new home!
 ...and I did have a little competition today.  It's not easy taking photos of dogs takes much practice and a lot of patience.

 This little white dog has a new sibling ~ a baby chihuahua.

 ...and back to the large dogs ...and more photos!

 ...and here's my competition again.  Sometime soon I will need to do a special post of just his photos.  FYI ~ from what I've seen, they're pretty good :)

 Showing off!

 These two dogs seem to be Best Friends ~ I feel as though I have taken this photo more than a few times!


  1. This group is exceptional. I loved the little ones, the big ones, and the close ups.

  2. Priscilla ~ Love your comments. It was a very busy day ...and Lola was quite patient, because she had her man to keep her company. Thanks!
